Sunday, April 29, 2012

Cheeze Snob!

Okay, I admit it.

I'm a cheeze snob.

Maybe it's because I'm in an area of the city right now where pre-made shreddable vegan cheese, such as Teese, Daiya, and Cheezly are unavailable.

Or perhaps it's this new-found penchant for a love of purity in all foods.

Despite that tremendous amount of chocolate I ate last night.

What-ever it is, I am on a quest to recreate the Kraft Dinner of my youth, in Vegan form.  A noble quest that all vegans strive for.  I'm not quite vegan yet, mind you, but I've got the vegan spirit! 

I've never been very good at following recipes.  I always have a tendency to nit and pick and change things around.  This can either be disastrous, amusing, or it can turn out well.  90 % of the time it's the former two.

So, finally, I decided to quest for the closest Kraft Mac n' Cheeze I could find.  

I read many recipes, and first tried to make my own.  Inspired mostly by the idea of liquid smoke by Vegan Dad and Olives for Dinner.

Too much liquid smoke.

Still delicious, but mostly a steamed-vegetable-dip.  Next time, instead of being inspired, I should actually follow these recipes.

Then, I tried Oh She Glows.  Though wonderful, I used too much sauce and not enough noodles.  I think I used oat milk.  The noodles were swimming, so I didn't get the perfect mouthful.  Will have to try that one again later, as it was still very indulgent.  I really should attempt the Butternut Squash version.

But then, after meticulous searching, I found it, and I followed it to the letter.  The closest, most wonderful recipe is also, unsurprisingly, not too frilly.

Bam!  There it is!

I will have to find miso, and play with this a bit, see if I can make my own version...  Someday, I will find my very own, perfect cheeze sauce!  

Next stop:

Pizza cheeze!  Must... Find...  Perfect..  Cheeze!!!!

And for those who would like to learn about Vegan-Cheeze-Making, I'm also curious to try this cheeze, with mozzarella adjustments.  It's also very informative:

And noww..  It's salad time!



Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Warning to all Tea Lovers Everywhere!

Hello beautiful, shining beings of this world!

I must warn you that you may be deceived, due to a lack of knowledge.  It's my duty to inform you...
The tea you're drinking could be the low quality crap that they sweep up from the tea factory floors!

Especially if you're drinking it from tea bags, and you get 'em from your grocery stores.  Generic black teas, and mixed black teas, or green teas with fruit, are particular culprits.  ''Earl Grey''?  No way!

It's best to import teas directly from the source.  Chinese teas are a particular favourite of mine.  There are also Indian, Japanese, Thai, Sri Lankan...  Well, you could get teas from anywhere, really.  I've only tried a ton of Chinese, and a teensy bit of Japanese and Indian.  I like the Japanese tea with the beans in 'em.

So, if you want a nice, sweet, gorgeous cup of tea, be sure to order loose leaf online and do your research!  I think that it's always best to know what you're putting in your tea vessel.  Tea hee, I made a funny.

I've never been a fan of Chinese green tea. I've always leaned towards black, or white, but I have been partaking, and enjoying, 'yellow' tea.  It seems to be very similar to both black and white teas.  I think it's quite fitting, since spring has finally peeked its sweet, green, bright bud from the soil of winter!

Aaah, sunshine!  How I have missed you!  Beam, shine and radiant upon me so that my soul may yet sing the promises of the season's warmth to come!

I really need to move someplace warm.

Like China.

Yangshuo, China, here I come? 

The First Post... Or is it the Last?

I've been crawling through blogs for almost a year, and there's a common theme.

The first post is sometimes the last.  Ominous.

It often makes me wonder-- What happened that didn't get the blog off the ground? Laziness?  Sheer disinterest?  Or maybe they're just like me, and have severe ADHD.  For me, that usually means that I'll have obsessive fixations that I get passionate about and stick to for about a month.  Sometimes longer.  And sometimes they even come back.

Does this mean I'll be sticking around?  Maybe.  Hopefully.  I need someplace to air out my words.  But, realistically?  Probably not...

But, hey, maybe I got it all wrong.  Maybe these blogs ended before they really started 'cause the people behind them met mysterious and terrible ends. 

Such as this:
Or this!

Or even...  This!

Ken had it coming.

Anyway, I think I'm done with this post for the day.  I'mma go play with the rest of these blog-making stuff.  At least sporadically.

Have a super-awesome-wonderful day!