The rules:
- You must post these rules
- Each person must post 11 things about themselves on their blog
- Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post and create 11 new questions for the people you tag to answer
What is your favorite reality show?(don’t say you don’t watch reality TV, everyone does. Swamp People counts)!
Actually... I don't watch reality TV. The only TV show I watch on a regular basis is Eureka. And they're cancelling it after the next 3 episodes. But, if I'm really, really lucky, maybe they'll somehow, someway... Keep it going. I coconut-LOVE that show. I'm watching it tonight with some homemade caramels and chocolate (maybe, if I'm really hankering for treats)
How many times do you honestly cook a week ?
Every single day. I steam veggies like rutabaga and carrots, normally. Easy-peasy stuff. I try to make socca, but my pan has been very temperamental lately! I love cooking up quinoa with cashew cheese.
What’s the best movie you’ve seen recently?
Recently, eh? Ip Man. Hands down! It was so fun, and funny, and touching all at once. I got into a martial arts fix for a couple of weeks after that!
Over or Under toilet paper on the roll?
In all honesty, it drives me crazy when the toilet paper is under.
It stems from a conversation I heard, when my father was talking about his parents bickering over whether the toilet roll should be over, or under. Allegedly, it touches the wall if under.. I had never thought it didn't before I brought it up with my dad years later, and he laughed and pointed out that it's next to the wall either way.
It still bugs me.
Where would you love to visit? Any where in the world.
China! I'm still bugging Boris to take me.
Online or store shopper?
Both, but preferably store. Unless importing our teas.
Best compliment you've given?
I've given out quite a few compliments... So it's hard to say. It depends on the person. I think the best compliment is one that you give having to do with somebody's personality. Most recent compliment was, ''You are such a resourceful lady!'' .. But, I suppose that's maybe not the best compliment one could have.
Best compliment you’ve received?
''You are so polite!'' It's weird, but I feel most strongly about rudeness. Also, around the same peg: ''You are so honest! I could ask you anything and you would never lie!'' .. Honesty is so important to me.
Sweet or salty?
Are you a morning or night person?
I love the morning! As I've grown, I've become more of a night hawk, but I'll always be a morning person, and always feel my best nice and early.
What is your favorite quote?
''An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.'' - Mahatma Gandhi
He has a lot of great quotes, actually.
So, new questions:
1. If you had an animal following you around, what kind would it be?
2. Your favourite sweet?
3. What was the game you played the most as a kid?
4. Favourite movie?
5. If you could gain only two super powers, what would they be?
6. When you get up in the morning, what do you think about first?
7. What inspires you?
8. How do you stay motivated?
9. Can you speak more than one language?
10. If you had the opportunity to learn something that you've always had a challenge with, such as math, with an expert tutor, would you?
11. Where do you see yourself next year?
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